Sales Tactics 101 - Voicemail & Email Tips


Starting a new career in sales is not easy. There will be a lot of rejection, late nights, and endless negotiations. But if you play your cards right, it can be an extremely fruitful career filled with financial freedom, and success.

This guide is intended to help provide a few key tips & tricks to help you navigate your initial interaction with a prospect or client. 

Road map Your Sales Success - MODULE 1

If you plan it, they will come.

It's on its way. The course to end all courses. Whether you're brand new to this Sales thing or a veteran, we could all use a road map to plan our success. This first Module will include the path to purchase for a buyer, and the sales initiatives you need to take to win the deal.

It is a step by step plan to winning larger, more strategic deals by developing a repeatable and scalable plan of action.

Topics included:

  • How do you find the sales nuggets?
  • Why do prospects buy?
  • What is the buyer's journey? (Path to purchase).
  • What is the sales professionals path? (Path to close).
  • Key players and their pain points.
  • Activities & workbook included.

Subscribe below so that you can be alerted when this course is made available. Only $47 for 24hrs when launched, get on the list as it will rise to $107 thereafter!!

Sales Tactics 101

Sales Tactics 101 - email list

Helping you close large deals faster, so you can get your money!

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